

Heard of Bofferding? This 225-year-old beer from Luxembourg was looking to introduce itself to the ultra-competitive American market with its obscure European roots, curious name and flavor made with 100% natural ingredients.

BVK embraced the challenge to create a disruptive, thought-provoking and – um, full-bodied – campaign that made Americans not only take notice, but grab a pint and experience the brand for themselves. BVK translated Bofferding’s core equities into a campaign celebrating self-expression and body positivity in a way that’s authentic, artistic and inclusive.

The cheeky Drink in The Boff campaign reinforced the beer’s “all-natural” benefits while creating a fun handle for Americans to share. It also led to a 29% increase in total sales month over month.

100% Natural

An apt description of the beer’s ingredients – and the people we hired to help sell them. Natural can be so tasteful.


Our PR and social media campaign tallied 4.2 million beautiful impressions. Impressive, isn’t it?


Each scene of our campaign featured a water element (no pun intended) as a subtle nod to the beer’s natural spring water.

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